beiJing Institute Of Heart Lung And Blood Vessel Diseases


Department of Epidemiology

Wuxiang Xie, Assistant Researcher

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Research Interests: Cardiovascular epidemiology.

Principal Investigator

· “Association between PCSK9 and atherosclerosis progression”. Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Support period: 01/2014–12/2016.

SCI papers published in the past five years:

1. Xie W, Liang L, Zhao L, Shi P, Yang Y, Xie G, Huo Y, Wu Y. Combination of carotid intima-media thickness and plaque for better predicting risk of ischaemic cardiovascular events. Heart. 2011;97(16):1326-31.

2. Xie W, Wu Y, Wang W, Zhao D, Liang L, Wang M, Yang Y, Sun J, Shi P, Huo Y. A longitudinal study of carotid plaque and risk of ischemic cardiovascular disease in the Chinese population. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2011;24(7):729-37.

3. Xie W, Liu J, Wang W, Wang M, Li Y, Sun J, Liu J, Qi Y, Zhao F, Zhao D. Five-year change in systolic blood pressure is independently associated with carotid atherosclerosis progression: a population-based cohort study. Hypertens Res. 2014;37(10):960-5. Tel:010-64456736